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For such a time as this...

Orthodox Classical Education

Christian families have many educational options. Yet few options exist for Orthodox Christian families who want flexible, affordable options in harmony with the Church Calendar. 

Saint Andrew Academy is changing that.

Now taking inquiries and applications for the next academic year, the Saint Andrew Academy offers excellent classical education courses, after school programs, social opportunities, college advising, and more. 

Continue reading below to learn more. Meet our team. Get in touch with any questions you may have. 

Thank you for joining us in this important endeavor to educate our youth in the fear of the Lord!

Our Mission and Strategy: About Us

Our Mission

Serving God through cultivating love and wisdom

Serving the Holy Trinity under the guidance of the Holy Orthodox Church, our mission is to offer students an excellent classical Christian education, cultivating the love of God and of neighbor, and empowering them to reach their God-given intellectual, spiritual, moral, and physical potential.

Our Mission and Strategy: Our Mission

Our Vision

Education Rooted in the life of our Parish

Academic excellence

Education for K-12 (and beyond) is rooted in the classical Greco-Roman tradition, baptized and transfigured by Christ. All that we do aims to develop the virtues in students as they become adult Christians. We student the liberal arts, science, math, and Bible in order to pursue holiness and illumination.


We offer a variety of options that accommodate nearly every type of family: from 5-day, 3-day (MWF), 2-day (Tue/Thur), and a la carte options.

All Academy families file their own PSA (Private school affidavit) and become 'homeschool' families. This gives them the flexibility to continue education at home but benefit from our programs, or opt-in for the full suite of services. 

Some use only a few of our services, and some use many.  Regardless, at every level, students are St Andrew students and gain access our Sorting Ceremony, End of Year Celebration and Promotion/Graduation, dances, after school programs, and more. 


By minimizing expenses and through the generous support of donors and sponsors, we are able to offer the most affordable tuition rates in our area.

Large families may apply for the Faithful Family Scholarship to pay a flat fee for 3 or more students. We offer fundraising avenues and volunteer opportunities.

Finally, need-based scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Prep for college or career

Graduates may opt to enroll in a traditional college, pursue the monastic life,  enter the workforce, or pursue family life. 

For college-bound grads, we offer dual-enrollment options the University of St. Katherine. Leaving high school with a college transcript already started is an amazing value! It also opens options such as early graduation, less debt, or double-majors. 


School can be peaceful and joyful. Our students offer their scholarly efforts as worship. Our work is Kingdom work -- and academic work is part of our job of prayer, play, growth, and service.

Our Mission and Strategy: Our Philosophy

Classical, Christian Education


Academics are the life and soul of a school. The academic nature of the Saint Andrew Academy is classical and Christian. Standing on the beautiful tradition of Byzantine education, we believe that Athens and Jerusalem exist in a natural and dynamic synergy by which Christians can grow into the “full stature of Christ” (Eph 4:13).


Beginning with Piety, both prayer to almighty God and respect for elders and traditions, students’ sentiments are formed in ways that are conformable to reason and right worship even before they enjoy the mature faculty of reasoning. This sets them up for a life of worship to almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Liberal Arts

As students grow, they learn the liberal arts, beginning with grammar and language (both foreign language as well as English).

The liberal arts of logic and rhetoric are learned through discussion, debate, persuasive speaking and writing, as well as poetry and philosophy.

We study the liberal art of logic so as to enable students to think validly, argue well, and diagnose and correct fallacious thinking wherever they encounter it: in themselves, in the news, in books, in conversations, in political speeches, or anywhere else.


We study Latin and Greek to enable students to enjoy and learn from the great books of Greece and Rome, including the Greek Church Fathers. Studies show that Latin learners are able quickly and easily to pick up the study of modern languages like Spanish, French, and Russian.

We study (English) grammar to a level of depth that enables students to think clearly, speak and write correctly, and read with comprehension books from any age. 

Our Mission and Strategy: List

Liturgical Art and Music

We do beginning music theory, Byzantine Chant, Slavic & Georgian Music Traditions.  Older teens chant Orthros, sing, and do Divine Liturgies.

Students of all ages learn to bake Prospher, make candles, make soap, cook, clean, sew. Older teens learn to change a tire, balance a checkbook, understand debt, de-escalate a conflict, and more.

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Our Mission and Strategy: Quote

We love a whole range of subjects -- from STEM, philosophy, art, and music --  but submit all things to Christ and find them in Him. 

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Our Mission and Strategy: What's Happening
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More About

Our Mission and Strategy: About Us

Agape, Sophia,  Chara

Love, Wisdom, Joy

Our Mission and Strategy: Welcome

The Academy is an equal opportunity organization and does not discriminate based upon age, ethnicity, ancestry, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.

Our Mission and Strategy: Text
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