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Dress Code 2024-25

This dress code will be effective in the fall of 2024.


Dress code Document

The full dress code can be downloaded or viewed here.

Dress Code highlights


  • Polos: White or Navy, Embroidered with Academy logo

  • Button-Downs: White only, Short or Long Sleeve, Embroidered with Academy logo

Dresses for Girls, Pants for Boys:

  • Ladies: Navy, Khaki, or Slate (dark) Gray Skirts; Dresses (navy only) or Jumpers (navy for K-6; navy or khaki for 7-12)

    • Dress and Jumpers must include the Academy Logo

    • Leggings (white, navy, or black) & modesty shorts are permitted

  • Gentlemen: Navy, Khaki, or Slate (dark) Gray Pants

    • Boys may change into shorts (navy, khaki, slate gray) at recess on hot days except on formal wear days.

    • Belts required at all times (grades 3-12 only)

Sweaters, Jackets, Outwear:

  • Sweaters, cardigans & light jacket must be navy include Academy logo

  • Heavy outerwear does not require the logo, but may only be worn outdoors in inclement weather

  • No hoods except on windbreakers (to be worn in inclement weather only)


  • Solid white, navy, black, brown, or gray

    • Dress shoes, athletic shoes, tennis shoes and hi-top basketball shoes allowed

  • No rain boots in sunny weather or moccasins allowed

Formal Wear (Grades 7-12 Only):

  • Ladies: Academy Plaid Skirt, White Button-Down Blouse w/Embroidered Academy Logo 

    • Dress Shoes or Ballet Flats

    • 11th & 12th Grade Only: Navy Blazer allowed (with or without Academy Logo)

  • Gentlemen: Long pants only (Khaki, Navy or Slate Gray)

  • White, Long Sleeve Button-Down Shirt

  • Formal tie in Academy plaid

  • Leather Dress Shoes in Black or Brown – No canvas or athletic shoes

Additional Notes:

  • Uniforms should be kept in good condition, free from rips and holes.

  • Skirts and dresses are to be at-the-knee or below (reasonable exceptions are made for 2nd grade and lower).

  • Shirts should be tucked in at all times.

  • Hoodies are not permitted, except on windbreakers (may only be worn in inclement weather).

  • Hair should be neatly groomed and conservatively styled. No distracting or outlandish cuts, styles or colors. 

This list is for quick reference purposes only. The full version of Saint Andrew Academy’s Uniform Policy is also available, which contains additional information and more detail on options for student wear.  Please download above or contact the office if you need a hard copy of the entire code.

Have questions? Please ask!

Formal Days

Upper School students are required to wear the formal uniform on designated

“formal days.”

  • ● All-Academy Convocation (August 29, 2024)

  • ● First day of Fall Semester (September 3, 2024)

  • ● First Day of Spring Semester (January 7, 2025)

  • ● All Final Exam Days (December 16-18, 2024 and June 16-19, 2025)

  • ● Graduation and Promotion Ceremony (June 21, 2025)

  • ● Picture Day (TBD)

  • ● Every Monday

  • ● Every Divine Liturgy Day (See Academic Calendar)

● Great Feast Days

  • ○ Presentation of the Theotokos (November 21, 2024)

  • ○ Annunciation (March 25, 2025)

  • ○ Ascension (May 29, 2025)

Family Compliance

Responsibility for compliance with the dress code rests primarily with a student’s parents. Parents are expected to provide students with appropriate uniform items,  and ensure that students remain in dress code for the entire year.

The Academy has not required families to purchase specific items from specific vendors (with select exceptions) in order to allow each family to choose uniform  items that align with their family budget.

By the same token, the Academy expects

parents to conscientiously select items which abide by the published uniform

guidelines and ensure that their child is appropriately dressed and groomed each


If your family needs financial assistance to purchase uniforms, please speak directly with one of the priests or administrators to acquire items on hand or possibly other assistance.

Student Compliance

All students are expected to wear uniforms in a respectful and consistent manner.

Older students bear increasing responsibility for their own compliance with the uniform guidelines.

Students whose clothing is out of uniform will be asked to rectify it immediately, if

possible (tucking in shirts, removing a jacket indoors, etc). If it is not possible,

parents will be contacted in order to rectify the student’s clothing immediately.


1. Discretion. Dress code is enforced on campus by staff, faculty, headmaster,

and clergy. In edge cases or gray areas, the Academy reserves the right to

determine whether or not a student’s uniform is in compliance with our dress


2. Consequences.

  1. Grammar School students (K-6) out of dress code will be warned and the parents will be notified. Multiple instances will result in detention.

  2. Upper School students (7-12) must rectify their uniform immediately or bepicked up.

    1. 1st infraction: Call to parents for immediate rectification

    2. 2nd infraction: Sent home and loss of house points

    3. 3rd infraction: Detention after school

    4. Students who continually violate the Dress Code in their clothing or who consistently express frustration and unwillingness to comply cheerfully may be given at-home probation. Upon returning, further instances of egregious or continual disregard of the dress code (as determined by discretion of clergy and administration) will lead to unenrollment from the Academy. 

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4700 Canyon Crest Dr, Riverside CA

©2023 by Saint Andrew Academy

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